

序 言

The predecessor of Liaoning Vocational College of Light industry is Golden State Textile Technology School,创建于1965年,1980 It was renamed Liaoning Textile Industry School.December 1999,经辽宁省教育委员会批准,学校并入大连轻工业2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐,To organize higher vocational college education;Approved by Liaoning Provincial People's Government in 2012,It was separated from Dalian Polytechnic University (formerly Dalian Light Industry College),成立2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐

第一章  总 则

第一条 为规范2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐内部管理体制和运行机制,促进依法自主办学,建设现代高职院校制度,In accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Grass-roots Organizations of ordinary institutions of Higher Learning, the Interim Measures for the Formulation of the Constitution of Institutions of higher Learning and other relevant provisions,制定本章程。

第二条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐中文名称为2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐。English full name OF LIAONING VOCATIONAL COLLEGE OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, abbreviation "LCLI"。

The residence of the college is No. 288, Jingang Road, Jinzhou New District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province。


第三条 The College is a full-time college of higher learning organized by the People's Government of Liaoning Province. It is a non-profit institution with the status of an independent legal person. The president is the legal representative of the college。

第四条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐的主管部门是辽宁省教育厅。The Department of Education of Liaoning Province guarantees the funds required for the development of the College's educational cause in accordance with the law, and provides policy support for the development of the College.The College accepts the leadership and business guidance of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education in accordance with the law。

The establishment, division, merger and termination of the College shall be subject to the approval of the People's Government of Liaoning Province。

第五条 The college adheres to the socialist direction of running a school, implements the education policy of the state, follows the law of vocational education and the law of the growth of skilled talents, adheres to the people-oriented approach, and fully implements quality education。

第六条 The school's education philosophy: people-oriented, moral education first, ability first, all-round development。

第七条 Characteristics of the college: equal emphasis on skill training and quality education, integration of technical education and art education。

第八条 Professional development orientation: For the light industry, to build a professional pattern featuring textile and garment majors, artistic and creative majors, modern service majors, advanced manufacturing majors, electronic information majors coordinated development。

第九条 Talent training orientation: to cultivate high-quality technical skills talents who are "honest, willing to work hard, good at communication, professional, skilled and creative"。

第十条 The college implements the dean responsibility system under the leadership of the Committee of Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the "College Party Committee")。

The college implements the internal governance model of Party committee leadership, dean responsibility, professors study and democratic management。

第二章 管理体制与组织机构

第十一条 The college implements the dean responsibility system under the leadership of the Committee of Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College of the Communist Party of China (referred to as the College Committee)。

第十二条 The Party Committee of the College is the leadership core of the college, which performs various duties stipulated in the Party Constitution, grasps the development direction of the college, decides major issues of the college, supervises the implementation of major resolutions, supports the president to exercise his functions and powers independently and responsibly according to law, and ensures the completion of various tasks centered on talent training。


(一)全面贯彻执行党的路线方针政策,贯彻执行党的教育方针,坚持社会主义办学方向,坚持立德树人,依法治校,依靠全院师生员工推动2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐科学发展,We will train qualified builders and reliable successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics who are well-developed morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically。

(2) Discuss and decide on major issues and basic management systems related to the reform, development and stability of the College, as well as teaching, scientific research and administrative management。

(3) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of cadres, be responsible for the selection, education, training, assessment and supervision of cadres in accordance with the authority of cadres' management, discuss and decide on the establishment of internal organizations of the college and the selection of responsible persons, and recommend the candidates for leading cadres and reserve cadres at the college level in accordance with the relevant procedures。做好老干部工作。

(4) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of talents, discuss and decide on the college's talent work plan and major talent policies, innovate the talent work system and mechanism, optimize the environment for the growth of talents, and coordinate and promote the construction of various talent teams of the College。

(5) To lead the ideological and political work and moral education work of the College, adhere to arming the minds of teachers, students and staff with the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, cultivate and practice the core socialist values, and firmly grasp the leadership, management and discourse power of the College's ideological work。维护2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐安全稳定,促进和谐校园建设。

(6) Strengthen the construction of university culture, give full play to the role of culture in educating people, and cultivate a good school spirit, study style and teaching style。

(7) Strengthen leadership over colleges, departments (departments) and other primary-level Party organizations, do a good job of developing party members and educating, managing, and serving Party members, develop primary-level democracy within the Party, and give full play to the role of primary-level Party organizations as fighting fortresses and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members。加强2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐党委自身建设。

(8) To lead the Party discipline inspection work of the college, implement the main responsibility for the construction of party conduct and clean government, and promote the construction of a system for punishing and preventing corruption。

(9) Leading mass organizations such as the college trade union, the Communist Youth League, the Student Union, and the faculty and staff congress。做好统一战线工作。

(10) Discuss and decide on other important matters concerning the vital interests of teachers, students and staff。

第十三条 The Party Committee of the College is elected by the Party members' Congress for a term of five years. The Party committee is responsible for and reports on its work to the Party members' Congress。

The Party Committee of the College implements the combination of collective leadership and individual division of responsibility, adheres to democratic centralism, collectively discusses and decides major issues and important matters of the college, and members of the leading team perform their duties according to the division of labor。

第十四条 The secretary of the Party Committee presides over the overall work of the Party committee, is responsible for organizing important activities of the Party committee, coordinating the work of the members of the leading team of the Party committee, urging and checking the implementation of the resolutions of the Party committee, taking the initiative to coordinate the working relationship between the Party committee and the president, and supporting the president in carrying out his work。

第十五条 The plenary session of the Party Committee of the College (referred to as the "Whole Committee") leads the work of the College during the inter-session of the Party Congress, mainly makes decisions on major overall issues concerning the reform, development and stability of the college, the vital interests of teachers, students and staff, and Party building, and listens to and deliberates the work report of the Standing Committee and the work report of the Commission for Discipline Inspection。会议由常委会召集,议题由常委会确定。More than two-thirds of the committee members must be present before it can be convened。Matters shall be voted on by more than half of the members present。

The Standing Committee presides over the regular work of the Party Committee. It mainly makes decisions on important matters concerning the reform, development and stability of the university, teaching, scientific research, administration and party building, and recommends, nominates, and decides on the appointment or removal of officials in accordance with the limits of authority for the administration of officials and relevant procedures。常委会会议由党委书记召集并主持。The topics of the meeting are proposed by the members of the school leadership team and determined by the Party secretary。A meeting can only be convened if more than half of the Standing Committee is present;When discussing important matters such as the appointment and removal of cadres, more than two-thirds of the Standing Committee should be present before the meeting。Matters shall be voted on with the consent of more than half of the Standing Committee Members who shall be present。Members of the administrative leading team who are not members of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee may attend the meeting as non-voting delegates。

The whole committee of the Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the Party Committee perform their functions in accordance with their rules of procedure。

第十六条 The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Commission for Discipline Inspection) is elected by the Party members' congress, and has set up a special work organization with necessary personnel。每届任期与同级党的委员会相同。The Discipline Inspection Commission of the College works under the dual leadership of the Party committee at the same level and the discipline inspection Commission at the higher level。The main tasks are: to maintain the Party's constitution and other intra-party regulations, to check the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies, resolutions and major decisions of the college, to assist the College Party Committee to do a good job in the construction of party conduct and clean government, and to promote the construction of a system for preventing and punishing corruption。

第十七条 The dean is the legal representative of the college. Under the leadership of the College Party Committee, he implements the Party's educational policy, organizes the implementation of relevant resolutions of the College Party Committee, exercises various functions and powers stipulated by the Higher Education Law, and is fully responsible for teaching, scientific research and administrative management。


(1) To organize the formulation and implementation of the college's development plans, basic management systems, important administrative rules and regulations, major teaching and research reform measures, and important school-running resource allocation plans。To organize the formulation and implementation of specific rules and regulations and annual work plans。

(ii) To organize the formulation and implementation of the plan for the establishment of the internal organizational structure of the College。To recommend candidates for vice presidents and appoint or remove heads of internal organizations in accordance with state laws and relevant provisions on cadre selection and appointment。

(3) To organize the formulation and implementation of the college's talent development plan, important talent policy and major talent project plan, to be responsible for the construction of the faculty, to appoint and dismiss teachers and other internal staff in accordance with relevant regulations。

(D) To organize the formulation and implementation of major capital construction, annual budget and other programs of the college。Strengthen financial management and audit supervision, manage and protect college assets。

(5) To organize and carry out teaching activities and scientific research, innovate the talent training mechanism, improve the quality of talent training, promote cultural inheritance and innovation, serve the national and local economic and social development, and make the college unique and strive for first-class。

(6) To organize and carry out ideological and moral education, be responsible for the management of students' school status and the implementation of awards or punishments, and carry out enrollment and employment work。


(8) Organize and carry out international exchanges and cooperation of the College, sign cooperation agreements with governments at all levels, all sectors of society and overseas organizations on behalf of the College in accordance with the law, and accept social donations。

(9) To report to the Party Committee on the implementation of major resolutions, to report work to the faculty and staff congress, and to organize and deal with the administrative proposals of the faculty and staff congress, the student congress, the trade union member congress and the league member congress。Support the work of Party organizations at all levels of the College, grass-roots organizations of democratic parties, mass organizations and academic organizations。

(10) Perform other functions and powers prescribed by laws and regulations and the statutes of the College。

The President's Office Conference is the administrative deliberation and decision-making body of the school, which mainly studies and proposes the important matters to be discussed and decided by the Party committee, deploes the relevant measures to implement the resolutions of the Party committee, and researches and deals with teaching, scientific research and administrative management。会议由院长召集并主持。会议成员一般为2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐行政领导班子成员。会议议题由2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐领导班子提出,院长确定。会议必须有半数以上成员到会方能召开。The secretary of the Party Committee, deputy secretary, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, etc. may attend the meeting according to the subject matter。


第十八条 The College implements the openness of party affairs, academic affairs and information, and accepts the supervision of the organizer, the administrative department of education and other relevant departments, as well as the teachers, students and staff and the public。

第十九条 The internal organization of the college is composed of four types: functional departments, teaching and research units, directly affiliated units and affiliated units。

The establishment of the internal organizational structure of the college shall be reviewed by the Party Committee and submitted to the Liaoning Provincial Commission for approval。

第二十条 The college sets up second-level teaching and research units, implements the Party and government joint meeting system, and collectively discusses and decides important matters in the professional construction, teaching activities, team construction, party building and ideological and political work of the unit。

The second-level teaching and research units shall be set up by the college according to the needs of personnel training and academic development, reviewed by the academic committee, and decided by the dean's office meeting。

第二十一条 The other internal organizations of the College are set up according to the principle of streamlining efficiency。Functional departments shall be set up according to the needs of the party affairs and administrative management of the college, and assume the responsibilities of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, serving and external liaison of the party and government work within the college。

第二十二条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐设立学术委员会。

The Academic Committee is the highest academic body of the College, which coordinates the decision-making, deliberation, evaluation and consultation of academic affairs。


(1) To formulate plans for the construction of professional and faculty ranks, as well as major academic plans for scientific research, international academic exchanges and cooperation;

(2) Formulate plans for the establishment of teaching and research institutions, academic institutions, the construction of cross-disciplinary collaborative innovation mechanism and the allocation of professional resources;

(3) To propose the nomination and composition of the Teaching Steering Committee and other committees related to academic development, and to review the academic matters submitted by each committee to the Academic Committee of the School for consideration;

(4) To evaluate the establishment and acceptance of major projects in education and teaching, professional construction, and teaching staff;

(5) To formulate academic standards and implementation measures for the evaluation and appointment of faculty positions;

(6) To formulate evaluation standards and methods for the quality of scientific research achievements and personnel training;

(vii) Comment on academic disputes and academic misconduct, establish and maintain the scientific research ethics of the College, and safeguard the academic reputation of the College;

(8) Reviewing major individual academic honors declared by the College;

(9) To guide and promote interdisciplinary and academic exchanges, and to build and advocate an innovative academic culture;

(10) Other academic matters that the College deems necessary to submit for consideration。

The academic Committee of the school is composed of professional and technical personnel of different specialties of the school, and there is a certain proportion of young teachers, with a total number of 19-21 people。Members of the academic committee shall be nominated by the president, approved by the President's office conference, and appointed by the president。每届任期三年。院学术委员会由主任定期召集会议。

第二十三条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐设立教学指导委员会。

The Teaching Steering Committee of the School is an expert working organization under the leadership of the dean, and a special committee under the academic committee, which is responsible for consulting, guiding and reviewing major issues of professional construction, development, reform and management。其具体职责如下:

(a) to review and demonstrate the medium - and long-term teaching development plan of the School, to study the overall major issues in the construction and development of the school's teaching work, and to put forward advisory opinions and specific suggestions;

(2) To put forward suggestions and advisory opinions on the principles and opinions of the formulation and revision of the talent training program, review the talent training program of the College and guide its implementation;

(3) Conducting macro guidance and management of the college's specialty construction, curriculum construction and information construction;

(4) To put forward opinions or suggestions on important systems and measures related to teaching capital construction and teaching management;

(5) To review and guide the construction of the teaching capital construction plans of the college, such as specialty optimization and application, courses, teaching materials, experiment (practical training) rooms, and practical training bases;

(vi) Provide advice on the directional decision-making of the teaching reform of the School, review various teaching reform plans of the school, assist the school to organize regular teaching work meetings, and evaluate and study the implementation results and major problems arising from the reform work;

(7) To guide the teaching evaluation and teaching quality control within the college;

(8) To review the evaluation standards and methods of various teaching awards, evaluate teaching awards, evaluate and recommend teaching research projects awarded by superior departments, and evaluate famous teaching teachers, professional leaders, backbone teachers, excellent teaching teams, excellent teachers, etc.;

(9) adjudication of disputes or reconsideration applications related to teaching responsibility accidents, teaching work assessment, teaching evaluation and evaluation;

(10) Provide teaching principles and opinions to the Academic Committee of the School, the title evaluation committee and other institutions;


The teaching Steering Committee of the College is composed of 19-25 members, including the Chairman, deputy chairman and other expert members。委员会委员每届任期三年,可以连任。

第二十四条 The College is governed democratically, ensuring and supporting the participation of staff and students in the implementation and supervision of major college decisions。

第二十五条 The faculty congress is the basic form for all faculty members to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the college according to law under the leadership of the Party Committee of the College。2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐依法建立和完善教职工代表大会制度。


(1) Listen to the report on the formulation and revision of the draft charter of the College, and put forward opinions and suggestions for revision;

(2) To listen to reports on the development plan of the College, the construction of the faculty and staff, the reform of education and teaching, the construction of the campus, and other major reforms and solutions to major problems, and to put forward opinions and suggestions;

(3) Listen to the annual work of the college, financial work, trade union work reports and other special work reports, and put forward opinions and suggestions;

(d) To discuss and adopt the welfare and campus distribution implementation plan directly related to the interests of faculty and staff proposed by the College, as well as the corresponding methods for the appointment, assessment, reward and punishment of faculty and staff;

(5) To review the report on the handling of the proposal of the last session (s) of the Faculty Congress;

(6) Put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the college through various means, supervise the implementation of the school's charter, rules and regulations and decisions, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for rectification。

The representatives of the faculty and staff congress of the college are department, ministry and other grass-roots organizations as units, teachers, cadres, staff and workers who enjoy political rights in accordance with the law, are willing to assume the obligations of representation, and can fulfill the rights of representation can be elected as faculty and staff representatives。The number of delegates to the teaching congress shall be determined according to about 25% of the number of teaching staff, and the proportion of representatives shall be tilted towards the teaching line, and female representatives and young representatives shall account for the corresponding proportion。

The congress of the faculty and staff shall be held in regular session every three to five years, and the representatives may be re-elected for a second term, at the end of which a new election shall be held。

The congress of the faculty and staff of the College shall hold a plenary meeting at least once every academic year, and in case of major matters, a temporary meeting may be convened upon the approval of the Democratic Management Committee。The number of representatives present at a regular meeting of the Teaching Congress shall not be less than 2/3 of the representatives who should be present at the meeting, otherwise the meeting cannot be convened。The voting of the teaching Congress shall be by a show of hands or by secret ballot, and the voting shall be valid only if more than half of the total number of representatives of the teaching and teaching Congress pass it。The voting method adopted by each teaching Congress shall be implemented after it is approved by the representatives of the teaching staff。2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐工会为院教职工代表大会的工作机构。

第二十六条 The student congress is an important organizational form for students to realize self-education, self-management and self-service under the leadership of the college Party committee and the guidance of the College Youth League Committee, and to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the college。The College provides the necessary working conditions and financial security for the student congress of the College, encourages and supports its participation in the democratic management and supervision of the college, carefully listens to its suggestions, and actively responds to its proposals。

(1) Listening to and deliberating the work reports of the Standing Committee of the Student Congress and the Student Union, discussing and deciding on the work policies and tasks of the student Union;

(2) To review and adopt the statutes of the Student Congress and the statutes of the Student Union;

(3) Cooperate with the college, collect and reflect the opinions of students, submit proposals to relevant departments of the college, and feedback the replies to the proposals to the representatives;

(4) To review and approve the list of members of the Standing Committee of the Student Congress recommended by the College or the student affairs department of the College or elected by representatives of the Student Congress;


(6) To discuss and decide on other major matters that should be decided by the student Congress。

第二十七条 The democratic parties and persons without party affiliation in the College carry out activities in accordance with the law and their respective statutes, and participate in the democratic management of the College。

第二十八条 The College establishes mass organizations such as trade unions and Youth League committees according to law, and all mass organizations perform their respective duties according to law under the leadership of the College Party Committee。

第二十九条 The College may set up, change or abolish the administrative departments of the College according to the needs of its work, and may reasonably adjust the functions of each department according to the actual situation。Each department performs management and service duties according to the authorization of the college, provides quality services for the teachers, students and staff of the college, and builds a refined management model。

第三章 办学活动

第三十条 教育教学是2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐办学活动的基本内容。

The basic education form of the college is full-time junior college education, and the development of continuing education is accelerated。

第三十一条 The College independently adjusts its school-running mode and professional personnel training mode according to its professional advantages and school-running characteristics。

第三十二条 The College insists on quality first in talent training, establishes and improves the teaching quality assurance system of self-monitoring and evaluation, and carries out strict monitoring and evaluation of the whole process of teaching links to ensure the quality of talent training。

第三十三条 专业建设是2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐发展的基础。The college takes professional construction as the guide to promote the overall strength of the school。2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐已有艺、文、工、管四大学科门类。

第三十四条 The College follows the law of education and development of personnel training, under the guidance of the government and the industry, docking the needs of occupations and positions, independently setting and adjusting majors according to law, and reporting to the higher competent authorities for review and record。

The relevant teaching units shall conduct preliminary research and submit feasibility reports, which shall be evaluated by the teaching Steering Committee of the school, approved by the President's office meeting, and submitted to the superior authorities for the record。

第四章 教职工

第三十五条 The teaching staff consists of teachers, other professional and technical personnel, management personnel and workers and workers。

第三十六条 The college implements the teacher qualification system and other professional and technical qualification system。

第三十七条 Professional and technical personnel shall be engaged in education, teaching, academic research and social services according to the duties prescribed by their posts。

The management personnel and the workers and technicians provide services and guarantees for the education, teaching, academic research and social services of the college。

第三十八条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐实行岗位聘任制度。

The College shall set up professional and technical posts, management posts and labor skills posts according to the posts approved by the Office of Liaoning Provincial Commission for Public Institution Establishment and the number of production, combined with the actual situation of the college。According to the needs of teaching, scientific research and management, the College shall appropriately employ non-career personnel。

The College shall, according to the post requirements, follow the principles of fair competition, equality, voluntariness and consensus through consultation, and the legal representative or authorized agent of the College shall sign the employment contract or labor contract with the employed personnel, and enjoy the treatment in accordance with the national policies and contract provisions。

According to the requirements of some positions, the college hires high-quality foreign personnel appropriately, and strives to build a faculty and staff team with international characteristics。

第三十九条 In accordance with the principles of fairness, justice and openness, the College regularly evaluates the performance of the job duties of the hired faculty and staff (including non-career staff and staff), and the assessment results are used as the basis for their appointment, promotion, reward and punishment, and dismissal。

第四十条 The College attaches great importance to the construction of teacher ethics, and integrates teacher ethics into the teacher evaluation system, and serves as the primary standard for teacher performance evaluation, appointment (employment) and evaluation and reward。The college will commend and reward those who have outstanding moral performance;The college will supervise and correct those who have poor moral performance.The college will seriously deal with those who fail to behave in accordance with the rules and regulations。

第四十一条 Faculty and staff who have outstanding achievements in education, teaching, scientific research, management services, etc., will be rewarded by the College。

If a faculty member violates the rules and regulations of the College, the college shall order him or her to make corrections or take corresponding disciplinary actions;If the assessment does not meet the job requirements, the college will change the post, terminate the employment contract or labor contract;Those who shall be held responsible for violating laws, rules and regulations shall be investigated by the relevant state organs according to law。

第四十二条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐教职工享有下列权利:

(1) Fair use of the College's public resources and welfare benefits;

(2) Equitable access to appropriate job opportunities and conditions necessary for one's own development;

(3) equitably obtain teacher qualifications and other professional and technical qualifications, and obtain opportunities for evaluation and recruitment of professional and technical posts;

(4) Fair access to all kinds of awards and honorary titles at all levels;

(5) Equitable access to study, exchange and further education opportunities at home and abroad;

(6) to guide students in their learning and development, and to assess their conduct and academic performance;

(7) To participate in democratic management, and to put forward opinions and suggestions on the reform, construction and development of the College and on major matters involving vital interests;

(8) To express objections and lodge appeals on matters such as evaluation and employment of professional titles, welfare benefits, evaluation and awards, and disciplinary actions;

(9) Other rights provided for by laws, regulations, rules and contracts。

第四十三条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐教职工应当履行下列义务:

(1) abide by the Constitution, laws and professional ethics, and set a good example for others;

(2) Love the job, master the job skills, and constantly improve the level of teaching and research, management ability and service quality;

(3) people-oriented, teaching, management, service and education, respect and care for students;

(4) caring for and loving all students, respecting their personality, and promoting their all-round development in moral, intellectual and physical aspects;

(5) Improve the ability of vocational education and teaching to meet the requirements of training technical and skilled personnel;

(6) Attach importance to the construction of professional teaching teams and consciously safeguard the interests of the team;

7. Constantly raise ideological and political awareness and the level of education and teaching。

(8) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations, rules and contracts。

第四十四条 The College regularly evaluates the status of the teaching staff, analyzes the requirements of career development, scientifically plans the development goals, tasks and measures of the teaching staff, and constantly optimizes the structure of the teaching staff。

第四十五条 The College promotes the construction of "learning organization", guides and supports faculty and staff to strengthen learning, update and master new knowledge, new skills and new technologies, and improve their working ability。According to the team development plan, the College actively creates conditions and sends faculty and staff out for study, training, further study and research。

第五章 学 生

第四十六条 A student refers to an educatee who has been admitted by the college according to law, obtained the admission qualification and has the school status of the college。

第四十七条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐建立学生管理制度和学生考核评价机制。

The college gives recognition and awards to outstanding students, and gives critical education or disciplinary action to students who have violated rules and regulations。The punishments given to students by the college shall be commensurate with the nature of the student's violations and disciplinary violations and the severity of the fault。

第四十八条 Students who have completed the content of the teaching plan within the prescribed period of time and meet the graduation requirements of morality, intelligence, physical beauty will be allowed to graduate and the college will issue a graduation certificate。Students who fail to meet the graduation requirements shall be issued with corresponding certificates of completion, associate study or study certificates in accordance with the regulations of the State on the management of school records。

第四十九条 学生享有下列权利:

(1) Participate in the activities arranged by the College's education and teaching plan, and use the education and teaching resources provided by the College;

(2) Participating in social services, work-study, organizing and participating in student groups and recreational and sports activities on campus;


(4) to obtain a fair evaluation in terms of ideology, moral character, academic performance, etc., and to obtain the corresponding academic certificate after completing the school's prescribed studies;

(5) To complain to the relevant departments if they are not satisfied with the sanctions imposed by the college, to complain or bring legal proceedings against the college or the faculty and staff for infringement of their lawful rights and interests such as personal rights and property rights;


第五十条 学生应履行下列义务:




(4) Pay tuition fees and related fees according to regulations, and fulfill the corresponding obligations of obtaining awards and grants;

(5) abide by the code of conduct of students, respect teachers, and develop good ideological and moral character and behavior habits;


第五十一条 The College has established a help system for students from poor families according to law。

The College supports students from financially disadvantaged families to apply for grants, student loans, hardship grants or tuition waivers。

The College encourages and supports students to participate in social service and work-study activities in their spare time, and conducts appropriate guidance and management。

第五十二条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐支持学生依照法律和2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐规定组建社团。Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the College and the guidance, supervision and management of the Youth League Committee of the College, the student association shall carry out activities in accordance with laws and regulations and the regulations of the college。

第五十三条 The College has established a mechanism for protecting students' rights and interests to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests。

第六章 经费、资产与后勤

第五十四条 The funding sources of the college mainly include financial income, career income and other income。The college actively expands the sources of educational funds and raises educational funds through various channels。

第五十五条 The College insists on running the school diligently and frugally, builds a conservation-oriented campus, and strives to improve the efficiency of using funds。

第五十六条 The college implements the financial management system of "unified leadership, centralized accounting and hierarchical management"。

The College implements a budget management system, adheres to the principle of "keeping expenditure within revenue and balancing revenue and expenditure", and establishes a budget management system including daily fund budget, special fund budget and capital construction budget。

第五十七条 The College implements the economic responsibility system, strictly implements the national laws and regulations on finance and economics, establishes the audit and supervision system, improves the supervision mechanism, and ensures the safe operation of funds。

第五十八条 College assets include current assets, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets and so on。The College independently manages and uses the assets it owns according to law, and implements specific management of the state-owned assets it owns and uses to improve the efficiency of the use of assets and ensure the safety and integrity of the College's assets。

第五十九条 The College improves the management mechanism of state-owned assets, implements "unified leadership, centralized management, hierarchical responsibility, and responsibility to the person", improves the efficiency of the use of assets, and realizes the preservation and appreciation of assets。

Engineering projects, goods procurement and service procurement projects carried out by various departments of the College using financial funds, loan funds, donation funds, self-raised funds and other funds shall be tendering or government procurement in accordance with the provisions of the Bidding Law or the Government Procurement Law。

The college maintains the safety of all types of assets and prevents the risks of state-owned assets operation。Without the authorization of the college legal person or the state-owned assets management department entrusted by the legal person, no unit, institution, group or individual shall operate the college assets without authorization。In case of violation of the regulations, the College shall take measures according to law to investigate the responsibility until it is transferred to the relevant state organs for handling。

第六十条 The College improves the logistics management and service system, deepens the socialization reform of logistics, accepts the supervision of the college students and staff, constantly improves the level and quality of services, and provides security for the study, work and life of students and staff。

第七章 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐与社会

第六十一条 The Board of Trustees of the College is set up according to law to guide the development and construction of the College, and to consult, suggest and supervise important matters concerning the reform and development of the College。

The members of the council are composed of government representatives, academic elites, industry associations, famous alumni, well-known entrepreneurs, college leaders and other outstanding people in society。The Council meets at least once a year to perform its duties in accordance with its statutes。

第六十二条 The school actively carries out cooperation with government departments, enterprises and public institutions, social groups and other organizations and institutions to promote collaborative innovation。On the basis of the existing vocational skills appraisal stations, the college relies on the vocational skills appraisal stations (institutes) set up by the government and the industry to carry out vocational skills training and appraisal。

第六十三条 The College accepts various forms of donations from all walks of life to expand school resources and improve school conditions。

In accordance with the wishes of the donor, the College may name or inscribe specific buildings, roads, gardens, sculptures, etc., after extensive consultation with faculty and students and approval by the Dean's office conference。

第六十四条 The College takes the initiative to accept social supervision and evaluation, implements the information disclosure system, and releases school-running information to the society in a timely manner。

The College adopts the diversity evaluation mechanism, attaches importance to the education supervision and evaluation of the superior authorities, pays attention to the school-based evaluation, and actively pays attention to the comprehensive evaluation of the college by various social organizations and students' parents。

第六十五条 According to the professional characteristics, the college actively seeks cooperation with enterprises and industry associations, implements cooperation in training professional talents, cooperation in carrying out scientific and technological innovation, cooperation in developing teachers' quality, and cooperation in promoting cultural construction。

第六十六条 The college has established good relations with ordinary high schools and relevant secondary vocational schools, and strives to improve the quality of students and coordinate with talents training。

第八章 学校标识

第六十七条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐校训是“自立自强 砺能笃行”。

第六十八条 COLLEGE emblem main picture from "LIAONING VOCATIONAL COLLEGE OF LIGHT INDUSTRY" English full name "Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry"。It begins with letters L, n, V, L, and i。The shape of the school emblem is round, and the main figure inlaid in the middle is like a honeycomb shape, symbolizing that professional talents will be born and grow here。The shape of the main picture is like a finely carved gem, which means the excellence and colorful of the college。The main drawing is also like a component, showing the characteristics of vocational college focusing on "application ability training"。

The standard color of the college emblem is SISU Blue, symbolizing the inclusive spirit of the sea and the feelings of the world。Standard color: CMYK (100, 52, 2,12), color number: Pantone 2945 PC。

第六十九条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐校旗。

The school flag is red, the school name is white, and the school emblem and the school name are located in the middle area of the school flag。

第七十条 2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐校庆日为7月7日。

第九章 附 则

第七十一条 The formulation and amendment of the Articles of Association shall be discussed by the faculty and staff congress of the College, reviewed by the president's office meeting, approved by the Party committee of the College, signed by the president, and submitted to the Department of Education of Liaoning Province for approval。

第七十二条 本章程是2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐运行的基本规范。2024欧洲杯投注网站推荐制定的规章制度不得与本章程相抵触。The rules and regulations of the College formulated before the commencement of this Constitution, which are inconsistent with this Constitution, shall be amended or repealed in accordance with the relevant contents of this Constitution。

第七十三条 本章程的解释权归院党委。

第七十四条 本章程经核准,自发布之日起施行。



